Pondering the current events we have been exposed to internationally, both as a prophetic end-times researcher and as a news junkie, I find all the above sliding or colliding into each other at warp speed. I believe that we have come to believe several things from the news: the economic collapse could have been prevented, but wasn't for reasons we really don't understand on the surface, and it started a domino effect globally. The question remains, was it planned? And if it was planned, by whom and for what purpose?
Last March [2008] when I arrived back in the States from Africa, I received a word of prophecy which is demonstrating its truth daily by news reports and the election history just past. The next step in the sequence of unraveling the mystery we are living came in August after I posted the March prophecy and other more current information. A message came to me from a person within the financial world that many had heard "rumors" that something big was coming down in September or October and the financial institutions were selling off US dollars to be prepared. Was this a rumor or warning to the banks and financial institutions?
We know now that the big surprise coming was the Wall Street/major market failure to which we have not seen the bottom yet. There are other "surprises or shoes to drop".
Another event in April 2007, which I find interesting just by date, President Bush met with EU Commission president Jos Barroso and the serving president of the European Council, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in the Rose Garden of the White House. It is reported that they were thanked for their participation in "the trans-Atlantic economic integration plan of trade."
The agreement signed by the three above mentioned people is called "Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration between the United States of America and the European Union." It has moved along very swiftly.
But an other meeting was held in March 2008 and much less publicized. At the State Department a group focused on the linking of the US, Canada and Mexico which in the end would also link to the European Union.
A person whose name is kept private under the Chatham House Rule states, "North America should be a premiere platform to establish continental institutions. That's why we need to move the security perimeters to include the whole continent, especially as we open the borders between North American countries for expanding free trade."
Wanting to expand the "security borders of the US" would involve Mexico and I find it of interest that in the article posted at the US Military is starting to make statements about the possibility of them going into "help" Mexico in the event of its collapse due to the drug wars going on.
It was interesting that then presidential candidate Obama made his famous "I am a citizen of the world" speech in Germany. But let us not forget that as President Obama, he is fully aware of these agreements, and the plans set forth by previous administrations, following the legacy and prophetic words of redividing the world into unions. In the months and few years ahead during his and Vice-President Biden's time in the White House, it is not their plan, but the plan of an international community for a world government.
Our own military is put on assignment to be a ready defense on domestic situations whether natural disaster, war, or whatever under the command of FEMA who reports to the president. In this case it will be to President Obama, but begun by President Bush.
Rumor again has it [hasn't been wrong yet] that in the early spring another "surprise" in the US is planned and again we should be prepared.
Summary: Many I have discussed this with believe that the international economic collapse was planned in order to move the coalition of trade and new world order onto the discussion table. A one world government so that issues can be addressed and direction given more easily rather than having to deal with so many different governments and rules. This is becoming a reality in our life-time, quite possibly progressive at the G-20 summit in April 2009.
The North American Union is going to be a reality and we believe sooner rather than later, and wonder if the wars are incited as a way to bring it about. As history has said repeatedly, always follow the money. And where can you find more money than in free trade.
Would love to hear your views, leave a comment and get into discussion. Should these things be something we as fellow world citizens be concerned or fearful of? Is there something we as citizens should do?
For further reference:
Information can be found on Google.com
quicker reference "What in the World is going On? by Dr. David Jeremiah pg. 131-133
www.newsmax.com dated 1/14/09
Press release on Bush/EU agreement 30 April 2007 from the White House
Last March [2008] when I arrived back in the States from Africa, I received a word of prophecy which is demonstrating its truth daily by news reports and the election history just past. The next step in the sequence of unraveling the mystery we are living came in August after I posted the March prophecy and other more current information. A message came to me from a person within the financial world that many had heard "rumors" that something big was coming down in September or October and the financial institutions were selling off US dollars to be prepared. Was this a rumor or warning to the banks and financial institutions?
We know now that the big surprise coming was the Wall Street/major market failure to which we have not seen the bottom yet. There are other "surprises or shoes to drop".
Another event in April 2007, which I find interesting just by date, President Bush met with EU Commission president Jos Barroso and the serving president of the European Council, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in the Rose Garden of the White House. It is reported that they were thanked for their participation in "the trans-Atlantic economic integration plan of trade."
The agreement signed by the three above mentioned people is called "Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration between the United States of America and the European Union." It has moved along very swiftly.
But an other meeting was held in March 2008 and much less publicized. At the State Department a group focused on the linking of the US, Canada and Mexico which in the end would also link to the European Union.
A person whose name is kept private under the Chatham House Rule states, "North America should be a premiere platform to establish continental institutions. That's why we need to move the security perimeters to include the whole continent, especially as we open the borders between North American countries for expanding free trade."
Wanting to expand the "security borders of the US" would involve Mexico and I find it of interest that in the article posted at the US Military is starting to make statements about the possibility of them going into "help" Mexico in the event of its collapse due to the drug wars going on.
It was interesting that then presidential candidate Obama made his famous "I am a citizen of the world" speech in Germany. But let us not forget that as President Obama, he is fully aware of these agreements, and the plans set forth by previous administrations, following the legacy and prophetic words of redividing the world into unions. In the months and few years ahead during his and Vice-President Biden's time in the White House, it is not their plan, but the plan of an international community for a world government.
Our own military is put on assignment to be a ready defense on domestic situations whether natural disaster, war, or whatever under the command of FEMA who reports to the president. In this case it will be to President Obama, but begun by President Bush.
Rumor again has it [hasn't been wrong yet] that in the early spring another "surprise" in the US is planned and again we should be prepared.
Summary: Many I have discussed this with believe that the international economic collapse was planned in order to move the coalition of trade and new world order onto the discussion table. A one world government so that issues can be addressed and direction given more easily rather than having to deal with so many different governments and rules. This is becoming a reality in our life-time, quite possibly progressive at the G-20 summit in April 2009.
The North American Union is going to be a reality and we believe sooner rather than later, and wonder if the wars are incited as a way to bring it about. As history has said repeatedly, always follow the money. And where can you find more money than in free trade.
Would love to hear your views, leave a comment and get into discussion. Should these things be something we as fellow world citizens be concerned or fearful of? Is there something we as citizens should do?
For further reference:
Information can be found on Google.com
quicker reference "What in the World is going On? by Dr. David Jeremiah pg. 131-133
www.newsmax.com dated 1/14/09
Press release on Bush/EU agreement 30 April 2007 from the White House
I read Dr. Jeremiah's book. Puts alot of what is going on around us into perspective. I personally believe that we are on the cusp of the Anti-Christ coming into power in the European Union. Obama may just be the one that ushers him into power.
Prophecy that has not come to pass for thousands of years is beginning to become a reality.
With all that said, we must put our trust in the sovereign God. He is still in charge and loves us. There is no fear in Christ.
God Bless!
I don't believe it is only Obama who will usher in the Anti_Christ but the members like G20 which are comprised primarily of the end-time countries. But certainly one of the "kingdom" heads.
And there is no fear in God. But there are those who do not know Him, and to which, I ask, do you know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Thanks Sherri for stopping by and for leaving your comments!
I too just see so many things falling into place. Did you read about the money to rebuild Babylon? I posted that on my blog from One News Now.What do you think about that?
I did read it and was concerned at the huge, I mean really huge embassy that US built in Baghdad...sort of like a modern palace. We have been putting money into Babylon for some time. I believe that now they just don't have to hide anymore.
I feel really inadequate commenting but am learning so much by reading. Thank you for your encouragement on my blog yesterday!
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