Thursday, November 27, 2008


My youngest child, Allan turns 29 today. So to him this page is dedicated--the son, the soldier, the little boy who grew into quite a man, loving yet stubborn, and currently in the United States Air Force. That is a my son in a nutshell.

As a youngster he demonstrated quite interesting skills. He loved "camping" under my desk, and fascinated with electricity. We had to put every knife and screwdriver up and away. He dismantled anything with screws to see how the product or outlet was put together. I had a consulting business and worked from home. He decided he was going to be an entrepreneur. One day he went out to play. As little boys do, he was in and out of the house, but one time took his bucket outside. He was excited and really focused on whatever he was about.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Wait till you see, but gotta go." He quickly ran back out.

A while later he came back in dusty, and that played hard look. It was time to get ready for his half day of school. After school he was back in the bathroom, washing rock in the tub. Not thinking anything about it, left him to his job and went back to mine.

Later that evening we had a loud knock on the door. There stood a gentleman with a very unpleasant look on his face, and his young son at his side. He wanted to see Allan. Sheepishly he came into the room. The father then told the story of how Allan had came around the neighborhood selling his beautiful rocks. His son had no money but decided instead to trade one of his airplanes. To Allan, sell made and all were happy. I might add, Allan has always loved airplanes as well.

Dear Allan got his first experience of "the customer is always right", except in this case, it was the dad of the customer. Rocks and airplane exchanged, Allan and I had a discussion about buying and selling--but I refused to stifle his ingenuity and sense of adventure into the world of possibilities.

It has been interesting to see him make decisions on his own--like joining the Air Force after 9/11--without even a consultation with any family member. Making things work, counting the costs, and going for his dreams. I guess you could say, he too, Rides the Comet (see the blog a few days ago).

Happy Birthday Allan, may your comet fly high, fly into the places designed for you and get your supply of all good things. I pray your safety and continued spirit for life as you travel back and forth to the "big sandbox", and live your life of fishing, hunting, and the forever cars and trucks that makes you a very special person.

Love ya,


cheryl otis said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!We are praying 4 you and thanking the Lord for covering and keeping you. Your mom loves you so dearly!

Keep the faith son...keep the faith!

Sister Cheryl

Glauco Schaffer said...

Your sense of adventure is what made our country what it is today.
I thank you for your courage.
May God keep you safe and bring you all home soon!
Bring some rocks with you!

My prayers are with you!

A grateful citizen.

Anonymous said...


I hear your quite a young man,Mom says so. :0)

Thank you for all you and the other solders are doing for us and on this Thanksgiving Day you and all are what I'm thankful for.
Your in our prayers.
I pray you and who your with are able to have some turkey and pies.

A grateful friend of your Mom's
